Friday, November 20, 2009

I shot the serif

Last night was my friends birthday and me and some friends took him to Hollywood blvd to celebrate. As we were waiting in a long club line I noticed a guy wering a shirt whith this big "S" in the front; as i read the phrase "I shot the serif" a play on words of I Shot The Sheriff by Bob Marley, I started laughfing but my friends didnt get what I was laughfing at even after I told them what it meant. Being a geek I looked this image up to post. I guess im just a typography nerd.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Kim Bear's speech hosted by Gauge the California State Unyversity, Los Angeles (CSULA) association of AIGA yesterday was berry interesting. Bear titled her presentation "Life of Graphic Design 30 years of fantastic four grade field trips". She gave a brief description of where and how she grew up. She went into details on a few case studies shes worked on. The case study that really impressed me was the Los Angeles County Natural History Museum. I remember going there in elementary school field trips and hated it, because it seemed so boring to me. What impressed me was the time it has taken to finish that project, "3 years". From what she presented of that project it looks much better. At the end of her presentation she answered questions from the audience and she was happy to answer all of them.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I was googling Japanese graphic design to pass the time between classes and i found these creative bar codes. Its funny how something that one would normally not look at can be used in a fun way. Ive never seen it here in the U.S. its probably a Japanese thing. Each bar code is unique and its probably related to the product it was meant to register in the cash register.